The Redneck Magician Does Some Rope Magic Y’all
Christopher James was recently named Branson Male Entertainer of the Year and has previously been awarded The Magician’s Alliance of Eastern States Magician, Comedy Act, Stage Act and Most Original Act. He has performed in Branson since 2006 and has been named one of the most popular acts for various international cruise lines. In addition, he is the host of All Things Branson and known as “The Voice of Branson”.
Originally posted 2016-03-24 01:09:01. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Congratulations Christopher on being named Branson Male Entertainer of the Year. The way you showed the rope trick is really amazing. Loved the way you did it very smoothly.
Thank you very much for showing us this trick. Keep showing such magic tricks in the future also.